Please follow the bellowing instruction to register domain name:
+ Step 1: Login the service management tool we provide to the reseller ( with your id and password
+ Step 2: Click menu "Register Service" -> Choose "Domain" -> Enter the domain name you want to buy in the search box and click "Check" button -> "Add to cart" -> "Continue shopping" -> "Go to cart" (see picture below)
+ Step 3: At "Select Customer" button, please select your one customer for whom you want to register a domain name
- If you have not created information of the customer yet, please click "Add new customer" to create information.
* Note: Information of the selected customer will be the information of the owner of the domain name. Because it can not be changed easily, so please check this information carefully before click "Active now" for automatic activation of the domain name.
+ Step 4: Click "Active Now", the domain name will be automatically activated if your deposit balance has enough money.
Please note that once the domain has been automatically activated, you can not cancel the order or request to refund money.
- Note: If you need any support, please contact us at (on our working hours GMT +7 Monday to Friday), or to (24/07).
Thank you!