Home > INSTRUCTIONS > DOMAIN > What if I forgot to renew my domain?

What if I forgot to renew my domain?

When domain is close to expire, our system will inform notification to customer according to the form below :

  • Email (9 times)
    • Before the expiry date : 30 days, 20 days, 15 days, 06 days, and 02 days.
    • Expriy date.
    • After expiry date : -1 days, -4 day, -27 days.
  • Phone contact (1 time) : a week before expiry date.
  • SMS contact (1 time) : a week before expiry date.

At the time of exporu, your domain will be suspended, all related activities such as web/email/etc  will be affected. If you want to contunue renewing, you must pay the service fee as soon as possible.

  • International domain : within 40 days from the expiry date, you can still pay to renew the domain.
  • Vietnamese national domain : within 35 days from the expiry date, you can still pay to renew the domain.

You should renew the domain name as soon as you receive notification from TENTEN if you want to limit the unfortunate things