Home > INSTRUCTIONS > DOMAIN > The Life Cycle of a Domain

The Life Cycle of a Domain

The stage in the lifecycle of the domain name. This article helps you understand the lifecycle of a domain name, which will have a clearer concept in registering, buying and selling domain names, and protecting your domain name.


Domain is available in this stage. You can register domain names with a valid domain name condition.

What conditions do you need ?

  • Domain name can not exceed 63 characters, including .com, .net, .org, .info..
  • Domain name only include characters in the alphabet (a-z), numbers (0-9) and  (-).
  • Spaces and special characters in domain name are invalid.
  • Domain cannot start or finish with (-).
  • Domain name as short as possible, easy to remember, not confusing, hard to misspell.
  • Domain name must relate to the subject or field of business activity.
  • Owner actively pay maintenance fees before domain expires,  take responsibility when domain  is lost due to expiry without paying fee.

2. Registered

  • In this stage, domain has been registered, domain can be used as website name, email business, this stage lasts at least 1 year - up to 10 years for each regestration.

3. Expired

  • A domain becomes Expired , but owner still can save their domain. In this stage, NS will be change by domain provider, domain service (website, email) cannot be used. Whois information will remain the same, owner have to renew the domain to return to registered status.
  • Why 0-45 days ?
  • According to ICANN, The domain renewal time is 45 days after the expiration date. Suppliers can rely on that time to set a specific number of days. The provider usually fixed this period of 40 days.

5. Redemption

  • Domain name is dead, all administrative information of the domain has been deleted, all activities based on the domain name (web, mail, ownership ...) are terminated.
  • Owner can save their domain by directly contacting to supplier to request  redemption, cost = redemption fee + renewal fee at least 1 year.
  • Owner have 30 days to do it. (after expiration date)

Redemption Fee ? Renewal Fee ?

  • This is the fee you pays for the supplier to save the domain already in redemption status.
  • Fees depend on registration rule, it can be 100,120,140,175,200$.
  • After redemption, domain need to renew from 1 to 10 years to return registered status.

6. Pending Delete

  • In this stage, domain is completely dead, there is no change to redeemed.
  • Pending Delete lasts five days.

7. Released (Available)

  • Domain returns to its available status, waiting to be registered, starting a new circle life.
  • Valuable doman are easy to lose forever.
  • Domain hunter machines are interested in "Domains have a lot of traffic".
  • When the domain has just released but the old owner has not been able to re-register, it will be quickly registered by domain hunter machine.

B. Vietnames Domain (*.VN)

Note : 

  • Available period: Domain name in available status can registered base on principle of first come first served.

    Registration and Renewal: Domain name can be registered or renewed for a period of 1-50 years.

    - The expiry date: The expired date of domain name is set to the registration date of the upcoming year(s) depending on the number of renewal years. 

    Renew period: After expiry date, within the period of 5 days, the registrant has right to make payment to renew the domain name.  

    ServerHold period: From 6 to 35 days since the expiry date without payment , domain name will be put on ServerHold status. Domain name can still be renewed.

    Delete Process: After 35 days since the expiry date,  the domain name can not be renewed will be withdrawn and made available for registration.